Sunday, March 8, 2020

Black Students Being Penalized For "Ethic Hair"

Many of us have seen the videos on Facebook and Instagram of young,  black kids being forced off teams and hair being cut in front of large crowds. You might wonder, "Why is that?" Many schools have policies about hair and how it should be worn especially for sports. Experts say that policies do not take into account the diverse student body. Not only in color but in hair texture. 

Many recent cases have been caught on camera and have even made local and national news. Last year, high school senior DeAndre Arnold was told by school officials that he would not be able to graduate unless he cut his dreadlocks. Taking to social media, many celebrities were appalled by this and protested against the unjust behavior. 

School officials have the right to justify their policies by saying that rules are rules and regulations are regulations. Policies favor normal hair. Which is typically white hair that is easy to manipulate. But, for kids with ethnic hair how can they follow those same rules if their hair is not deemed normal?

Teachers and advocates believe that banning hairstyles and punishing those with ethnic hair is an attack on those specific kids' cultures. But, many school officials, administrators, and school boards maintain their rules aren't meant to be discriminatory.

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