Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Coronavirus and U.S. schools

As of March 5, 2020, there have been more than 550 confirmed cases of Covid-19. Anxious parents wonder, "What are they going to do about schools?" Millions of students in China, Iran, Iraq, and other countries have closed to try and prevent cases from spreading. 

As cases continue to rise in the United States, schools have started to close their doors.  A high school in  Snohomish County, Washington,  a boy tested positive for the coronavirus. The school decided to shut down until cleaning was done of the building.

Schools are preparing by keeping in contact with the state and county health departments. Health departments advise for students and teachers to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth. Also, schools are continually wiping down doors and desks.

Many schools have a solution in place if school closures are mandatory. They have decided to bring the classrooms to their own bedrooms. Students will be given work and watch lectures from the comfort of their own homes. Thus, being able to continue their school work. Other schools suggest doing it the old school way by preparing instructional packets with a pencil and paper.

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