Monday, May 4, 2020

COVID 19 and New York

The coronavirus death toll continues to climb at an alarming rate. It has now overwhelmed heath care officials, politicians, cemeteries, and families."To date, the state has recorded more than 24,000 deaths, most of them in New York City." Americans' largest city does not. have the room to store bodies. Funeral homes are no longer accepting bodies because there is no room. 

That leaves friends and families to wonder, "What will I do with my family members' body." It is said that cremations are scheduled to start in mid-May but that date could later change. Burials are also backed up in New York. 

A funeral home in New York ran out of space for bodies. A funeral home was pictured storing bodies in hot trucks. A source says that the funeral home was limited on refrigeration so they continued to lay bodies on ice bags. 

During a time when families are grieving and love ones are in confusion, the U.S government should help to relieve some of the pain and stress. Funeral homes should now be monitored to ensure that the inappropriate behavior of bodies does not happen to other families.

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