Monday, May 4, 2020


According to Merriam Websters, "Propaganda is defined as the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person."

Propaganda was first introduced by Pope Gregory XV and The Congregation for Propagation of Faith. This congregation was made up of a group of cardinals, tasked with spreading the faith and monitoring churches in areas that were not a part of widely held religions. The Congregation for Propagation of Faith was insistent on converting individuals without using violence or “without the sword”. When propaganda was initially utilized, it did not carry the negative connotations that it manages to come along with today. During World War One, propaganda began to be used more regularly as a weapon of war, especially when being used to elicit fear within the common man.

Another specific aspect of communication it attempts to explain is the differences between propaganda and persuasion. Though persuasion is also focused on influencing people, it does so on a rather smaller scale in comparison to propaganda, which reaches a much larger audience.
Propaganda is used in everyday life whether it is obvious to the human eye or not. An example of propaganda is advertising. One strategy that a company may use to advertise their product is by portraying how their product/brand is better than a specific competitor’s. Verizon has launched multiple commercial advertisements on why people should switch to them and stray away from AT&T. One of their claims was how Verizon has 5 times more 3G coverage than AT&T and this was presented to consumers by showing a side by side map of the United States comparing both companies' 3G coverage.
It can affect different groups due to what the message focuses on. Many times women are more likely to fall for influence so propaganda can target them heavier and persuade them to do something. Also, if a rich person sees a Bently commercial they might go and get the car. But, a poor person does not have the luxury of going to get that car. So propaganda with a luxury car commercial for the poor would not work.

Propaganda involves the distribution of specific ideas that can help cause someone else harm. This theory has been tied to negative connotations, however, it is a tool that is very beneficial. able-series/pamphlets/em-2-what-is-propaganda-(1944)/the-story-of-propaganda

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