Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Exam Prompt

Technology has taken over and we are utterly consumed. Society is constantly on their phones,
tablets, and any other device. Also, amidst the Covid-19 epidemic, more and more people have turned to technology such as TikTok.( TikTok is taking leaps to
try and connect with society.

But, this leaves me to ponder, "How do I interact with technology". I believe my relationship with
technology is healthy. I do not excessively use social media. The main platforms I use are Instagram and Youtube. Both are great to help me stay connected to the world and also gives me the opportunity to learn. When social media is the thing you eat and sleep then that means that it is taking up too much of your life. Technology for me is not taking up to much time. I am on social media about two hours a day which I believe is common.

During this crazy time when we do not know what is going to happen to us and our livelihoods, social media can be misleading but also informative. One of the ways it has been informative was that I was able to gain knowledge about how to create my own mask and also how to make my own hand sanitizers. But, it can be misleading because some things are fake news. Many times we are not able to tell what is real news and what is fake news.

One tool I have been using is CNN. CNN has been great to gain daily knowledge. I feel as if I am able to get my daily dose of news. They also make it easy to know the important news stories for the day. They have a summary of the important news that takes about 5-7 minutes to read. This is great for people who are on the go but they want to be informed, citizens. 

In conclusion, technology has been one of the greatest human advancements. It has helped us save lives, grow in knowledge, and even more. I have a healthy relationship with technology and social media and know the boundaries of social media.

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